As of Lately...

November 17, 2011

Today I was at lunch with my friend Brooke- we were standing in line at the one and only Wendy's, intensely talking about how stressful our lives are. (Lots of very dramatic talking was occuring during this moment). I see out of the corner of my left eye the man in front of us turn around and just kind of stare (And when I say kind of, I mean a lot- he turned his whole body around and just sat there gazing... Awkward, no?) Brooke and I continue with our chatting and then out of nowhere I see said man lean in really close to us.

Brooke and I cautiously crane our heads towards his direction. He slyly leans in, lowers his voice, and says, "I can only say this since I am older than dirt, but you two girls are VERY pretty." and we said, "We know."... jokes, jokes. We graciously said "Thank you!" and then didn't know what to do after that... it just didn't seem right to just jump right back into our intense conversation so Brooke and I just kind of sat there smiling at each other in a "Wow that was nice of him, but this is awkward now" kind of smile... you all know what I'm talking about. What a nice man older than dirt! That just made my whole week, day, last 12 hour period.

I will forever remember this sweet man at Wendy's who wasn't afraid to share a compliment! :)

On to other things. I have written up the blog posts about Hawaii- they will come once I get around to attaching pictures to the posts. Who knows when that day will come. I know you are all DYING to see them! It's like the texts and phone calls requesting to see pictures never stop coming in... settle down people. This VERY pretty girl has a very busy schedule and I can't please all of you at once!

Yesterday I was expecting a FedEx package that had a couple CD's with pictures and music on it that I am doing a slideshow of. Andrew and I pulled up to our house to see little white pieces of this FedEX package torn to SHREDS scattered all across the driveway! I cautiously got out of the car to see what damage was done to the important contents... fail. CD's were torn to pieces as well. (Damn those cute little dogs! I left them all outside for the next two hours because I couldn't even stand to look at them... grumble, grumble) I was furious and all I wanted was a Costa Vida salad to drown my sorrows in... too bad a Costa Vida salad is 25 points on the Weight Watchers program... When I'm only given 29 points for the day, it's not even worth it to waste 25 points on something that will bring me such comfort... or is it?

Oh- I started Weight Watchers last Saturday. I can't believe how much I used to eat- just because I wanted to! It's also amazing how you can survive and feel full when you are eating healthy and controlling your portions! Who knew that all these years, those nutritionists were on to something!

I have a girls get together tonight with a bunch of girls from my high school- I am so excited to see everyone and to catch up in person rather than just stalking them online... I don't even know if I can remember how to talk to people without referring back to "Oh ya! I saw that on your April 2009 post on your blog!" I'm such a creep.... But I know all of you that are reading this are creeps too, so we are good.

Listening to Sara Barielles radio on Pandora. I'm in a good place right now.

Welp, That was this weeks edition of "As of Lately"! See you round these parts again soon!

Elise "Elo" Curtis IV


  1. Hey Elo, So I had to write a little shout out to you for a few reasons. 1) You have a namesake. My friend just had a baby and named her Eloise (I know your name is not Eloise) but I call her Elo and I assured my friend that if she lived up to the name she would be an outstanding person. 2) I am so sad I can't make the get together tonight. I would love to catch up with you soon though - but in the interim - keep posting please! xo

  2. Brooke and Jace PackardNovember 28, 2011 at 9:36 AM

    Thank you for perfectly documenting the old man story haha!
