Well, I am already failing in this "monthly update" thing... and you know what? I am okay with that! I don't want to put any expectations on myself to make sure I document Beau's life every month- I will do it when I feel like it! Most likely I will feel like it once a month at some point, so that's when it will get done!
You are 2 1/2 months now and I am so head over heels in love with you! I really never knew that I could love someone so much. I never get sick of playing with you, singing to you, laughing with you, and so much more. You are such a bundle of joy!
At your 2 month check up, you were 24 inches long and 10 lbs. 10oz. That's the 97% percentile for height and 23% for weight... long and skinny! You had your first shots at your 2 month appointment and it was so heart breaking for me to witness! You laid on the table just flashing your adorable grin up at me. You were so happy and you didn't know what was about to happen! The nurse told me to grab your hands, so I did, and then I looked down to see her stick the first needle in your leg... and that's when you lost it! You were not happy about what was going on! The nurse rushed to get the other two in you and then I scooped you up and held you in my arms. You immediately stopped crying and just stared up at me with big tears in your eyes! Once you were close to me, you didn't cry or whimper once. I love that you just needed your momma! :)
I love the way you stare at me. I can feel the love that you have for me and that makes me so happy. In the mornings, once your eyes adjust on me for the first time that day, you open your big toothless mouth and give me the biggest of grins! It is the greatest way to start out the day!
I caught you giggling for the first time the other day- and luckily I caught it on camera! I have watched that video over and over again and I get just as excited each time I watch it!
You have found your hands- and you love to look at this "thing" that is attached to your body. I wonder what is going through your mind during those moments!
You are starting to sleep better for us- which is a good sign of things to come! The other night you slept 8 hours again which is a relief for this tired momma! Hopefully if we keep doing what we are doing, you will be sleeping through the night once I go back to work!
I am back at work part time right now and it is bittersweet. I so wish that I could be home with you to take care of you all day, but at the same time, I am so fortunate to be working where I do. USANA is such a great employer and the people I work with make it easier for me to come back. I will just make sure that when I am home, we make the best of it!
I love our morning cuddle sessions that we get to have- I just sit and stare at you while you sleep on my arm and I soak it all in. Soon I will be rushing out the door to go to work in the mornings and will be leaving you sleeping in your crib, so I have to soak up all that I can get!
3 Monther
Welp Beau... you are 3 months old. How time flies when we are having fun!
Here are a couple things that you have been doing now that you are 3 months:
* You are starting to talk up a storm. I love when I have left you in your nursery while I get ready and I can hear you chatting it up to yourself through the monitor. I love hearing you exercise your vocal chords... very impressive little one.
*You have started blowing bubbles and drooling all over. You purse your little lips together and just start blowing. You love it. I love it. We are happy. :)
*Holding bottles- you just barely started to be able to grasp on to things so when we feed you a bottle, you grab both sides and hold it tight. You can usually hold the bottle up on your own for about 30 seconds- it's so cute!
*Laughs- So many giggles are coming from you now! We love tickling you or playing little games with you to get you to giggle. Its the sweetest little sound and I can't get enough of it!
*Little one- you love to move your arms at all times but especially when we feed you. Your upper arm (or your free arm) won't stop moving. It's constantly grabbing, "massaging" or tickling anything that you can touch while you are eating. I secretly/not so secretly love it so much.
*You are more alert every day and I can see it in your eyes. You are starting to focus on more things and I can see your little brain just being amazed at everything you see. Keep the learning up buddy!
*Kicks are strong- your legs are getting so strong! You are constantly moving and your little legs are definitely apart of that! Maybe you will be a professional athlete one of these days!
*Daycare- Well, you have been at Daycare for just a couple of days and you seem to be doing really well. That first day we dropped you off, you were sleeping so all day at work I was imagining you being so afraid when you woke up. The next day we took you, one of the helpers, Julie, took you out of your carseat and you started smiling and laughing and that calmed my little heart so much! I just wanted to make sure you that you were safe and happy and I know that you are now. You still smile whenever we drop you off, so at least I know that you are okay for the time being!
I love you to pieces. You seriously make my life so much better and I can't wait to see what this life has in store for us and our family!
Like Bibby has always said, "Love you more and less; more than I did yesterday and less than I will tomorrow!" Love you buddy!
Here are a couple things that you have been doing now that you are 3 months:
* You are starting to talk up a storm. I love when I have left you in your nursery while I get ready and I can hear you chatting it up to yourself through the monitor. I love hearing you exercise your vocal chords... very impressive little one.
*You have started blowing bubbles and drooling all over. You purse your little lips together and just start blowing. You love it. I love it. We are happy. :)
*Holding bottles- you just barely started to be able to grasp on to things so when we feed you a bottle, you grab both sides and hold it tight. You can usually hold the bottle up on your own for about 30 seconds- it's so cute!
*Laughs- So many giggles are coming from you now! We love tickling you or playing little games with you to get you to giggle. Its the sweetest little sound and I can't get enough of it!
*Little one- you love to move your arms at all times but especially when we feed you. Your upper arm (or your free arm) won't stop moving. It's constantly grabbing, "massaging" or tickling anything that you can touch while you are eating. I secretly/not so secretly love it so much.
*You are more alert every day and I can see it in your eyes. You are starting to focus on more things and I can see your little brain just being amazed at everything you see. Keep the learning up buddy!
*Kicks are strong- your legs are getting so strong! You are constantly moving and your little legs are definitely apart of that! Maybe you will be a professional athlete one of these days!
*Daycare- Well, you have been at Daycare for just a couple of days and you seem to be doing really well. That first day we dropped you off, you were sleeping so all day at work I was imagining you being so afraid when you woke up. The next day we took you, one of the helpers, Julie, took you out of your carseat and you started smiling and laughing and that calmed my little heart so much! I just wanted to make sure you that you were safe and happy and I know that you are now. You still smile whenever we drop you off, so at least I know that you are okay for the time being!
I love you to pieces. You seriously make my life so much better and I can't wait to see what this life has in store for us and our family!
Like Bibby has always said, "Love you more and less; more than I did yesterday and less than I will tomorrow!" Love you buddy!
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