Motherhood: An Eternal Partnership with God

This makes me want to be a mother!! Don't worry friends- I won't be jumping the gun because of some very moving words by Elder Holland, but it is very comforting to hear these words. Sometimes I worry that I won't be able to do it! It is so nice to know that even when I am working a full time job, I can still rely heavily on my Heavenly Father and He will help me make it through so that we can support our family. In time, these blessings will come into my life. Until then, I need to do everything I can to strengthen my testimony so that when God sends little ones to me, I will be ready to teach them the ways of the Lord.

"Motherhood is an eternal partnership with our Heavenly Father"


  1. What a beautiful message Elise thanks for sharing. As a mother I tend to forget that no matter what Heavenly Father is there and will help me get through the endless sleepless nights. Thank you again for sharing it was perfect timeing for me to read this post and watch that message. It renews my HOPE for my family.

  2. Thanks for posting this Leasie!! I know where to go when I have one of 'those days'. Love you girl!
