Things you may or may not know about me...

  • I wear my same black slacks that I bought when I was in Grade 11... and no, I am not the same size as I was back then, so I've resorted to cutting little slits on the sides to let my lovely handles spill over just a bit.
  • I hate awkward bathroom moments at work- I wish they would just have music or something playing in there so I can feel comfortable to do my business!
  • I hate taking medicine (which includes vitamins and minerals) which makes it awkward when I'm sick at work (USANA HEALTH Sciences) and everyone asks me if I'm taking all of these different things... um no?
  • I hate falling asleep and not cuddling with Andy- luckily he is a cuddle bug too (or else he is just faking it) so that way I can stay warm all night long!
  • I LOVE chips. I crave the saltiness many times throughout the day.
  • I hate the thought of exercise but once I start doing it, I love it! (Is there a cure for that?)
  • Sometimes I eat cereal while I'm in the shower (it's a male Chilton tradition that for some reason I inherited and I have even taught my husband.) It saves time. I swear.
  • And sometimes I even pray in the mornings while I'm in the shower.  Whether it's an excuse to stay in the hot water for a little while longer, me being lazy, or my mind being able to be relaxed and focused during that time, I'm not sure.  But I like it... don't judge it until you've tried it.  
  • I wear the same grey skirt about 3 times a week because it's comfy and I love it.  The zipper is broken so I have to make sure I always wear long shirts to hide it.  Which is a bummer because it has a cute waist and I would love to be able to tuck some shirts in! Maybe when I'm domesticated...
  • I loved High School- GO BRAVES! My bestie Andra loved it there as well so both of our husbands always make fun of us... so sue us... 
  • I originally started to study Broadcast Journalism up at Utah State (best place ever) but then I realized that I hate watching the news because every story was too sad! So, I ended up going into Public Relations and in reality it was the most perfect major ever for me!
  • I love Canada so much. I can't express in words my love for this place.
  • I get a cup of Hot Chocolate almost everyday when I get to work... I know.  It will make me get fat.  But when it comes to Hot Chocolate, I will be fat and happy.
  • I got mad at Albie (our dog) the other night, took it out on Andy, pushed him, ran out the door and into my car and then went and binged ate at Wendy's.  .99 Spicy Chicken Nugs and a frosty made it good.  But when I came home from my EXTREME outburst, Andy was sitting on the couch waiting for me to come cuddle with him and to watch Modern Family.  I appreciate him knowing that I over react sometimes!! And that made it all better!
  • Oh and I HATE talking on the phone around other people.  This made it extremely hard when I was in the phone center at the Missionary Training Center and I hated talking to people about the church!  I ended up bringing in scriptures and I would try to memorize them while I was wasting time... It also makes it hard when I have to make a phone call at work and I wait until lunch when everyone is gone.  (I'm afraid I will sound stupid or make a mistake... which ties in with my last post!)  So I think I will end there.
There you have it! Part of me in 15 little bullets.
Until next time pals.


  1. I love this post! I especially love that you love Canada. And I take out my anger on Randy, but he's the same. He never is upset, he just waits for me to come back :) I miss you and come visit!

  2. hey! i just found your blog...and then i totally stocked you and read a bunch of posts. you crack me up. i have a blog but i promise its not that exciting. however; its private, let me know if you care to look at it...just giving you the option so i feel better about looking at yours. hope your doing well!!!!

  3. Oh my heck I love you lump!!!! You make my life so much better! Just wish I could see you more often!!! Love the post and love you!!!

    Love, ams

  4. I feel like I am meeting you for the first time. Haha, jokes. :) But, I need more info on this eating in the shower...what are the symantics to it--I picture the episode of Seinfield where Kramer makes salads in his shower. Please tell me your drain hasn't been converted to garbage disposal.
