I just saw one of my graduation pictures from my camera and I remembered that I never posted them!! This is HUGE!! I finally finished! I did it! I am done with school forever!! Until I go back to Insititute to learn how to be a better teacher and then I will accomplish my dream of being a teacher at EFY! YAY! (Which by the way, I drove through Salt Lake Community College yesterday to pick up Andy and there were all the EFY groups preparing their cheers in their cute little EFY shirt and I wanted to cry! I need that in my life!! ) ANYWHO...
So May 7, 2010 is when I officially walked to pick up my beautiful red diploma! I was able next to two of my besties that I met at the University of Utah and it was such amazing closure!! I offically finished school last December but didn't walk until May and I'm SO glad I walked! It seriously made it seem so real!
So here are some pics of the day... my mom has more on her computer so I will have to steal them at some point! Here ya'r:
Jessi Henrie- Best Woman of my Life!
Megan Cofield and Jessi- Megan and I made some of the best films Video Production has seen to this day! "Bowlcuts and Boondoggles" will go down in history!
I think this was right as they were telling us that we were the Class of 2010- I wanted to chuck my hat in the air, but I don't think the U condones that very much!
Right before we got the red diploma holder- we were on the floor... we are legit! :)
and my dear Michelle was walking in as I was walking out!! What a neat surprise that was! Love this girl so so much!
So some people may be wondering why I was wearing a lei.. well, let me tell you. My Grammie grew up in Hawaii and Hawaii was in her blood, and I believe it has trickled down to mine! At my High School graduation I had a lei on just like this one that my parents bought me.
As I was walking in to graduate from the University, we saw them again- I wanted one so bad! So we got it and I went over and had my Grandad put it on over my head. I told him that it was in memory of Grammie and he most graciously accepted his role as representing both him and my Grammie on that day. I know that my Grammie has followed me throughout my life- on my mission, in school, at my wedding, and I know she was there as I graduated from the same school her and my Grandad graduated from many years ago.
She was the most amazing woman and I hope that I can be even a small portion of who she was. Love you Grammie!
You graduated from the U? Hello soul sister, we are both ex-Aggie U lovers! Oh how I miss you, your blog even sounds like you. Love it!!